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This momentous event caps the celebrations marking the Museum's 150th anniversary which began with the restoration of Fra Angelico's Last Judgment and San Marco Altarpiece in October 19The Last Judgement, detail of Satan devouring the damned in hell, c1431 by Fra Angelico as fine art print Highquality museum quality from Austrian manufactory Stretched on canvas or printed as photo We produce your artwork exactly like you wish With or without painting frame (#)The Last Judgment by Angelico Fra It is believed that this work was commissioned to the artist by the Florentine church of Santa Maria deli Angeli Opposing of the souls of the righteous and sinners was decided by the artist in an unusual, almost surrealistic manner – the rectangle in the distance in the central part of the picture is a cemetery with open graves, from which the dead rose, called to the Last Judgment See Fra Angelico Art In The San Marco Museum In Florence The last judgment fra angelico florence ...

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