Nov , 15 · Selfactualization refers to the need for personal growth and development that exists throughout your life If you are selfactualized, you work hard to grow and become who you want to be in lifeAccording to Maslow's theory, self actualization needs a person to have already had their other requirements in terms of survival met The original fivestage Hierarchy of Needs which Maslow postulated includes four layers below self actualization They are, in order Physiological – these are the basic survival needs Food, water and airSelfactualization needs (realizing one's full potential) Selfactualize is the final stage of Maslow's hierarchy of needs , so not every human being reaches it To Maslow, selfactualization meant the desire for selffulfillment, or a person's tendency 3d Illustration Of Hierarchy Of Needs With Self Actualization At The Top Pyramid Over Black Background Stock Photo Alamy Self actualization needs examples